Own a Perodua? Have a memorable tale to tell about it? Well, Perodua wants to hear from you about your Perodua experiences, and with over two million Peroduas on the road, there surely has to be a great many stories waiting to be told.
The company has kicked off an initiative called What's your Perodua story?, essentially a means to connect with its drivers and hear from them. In a nutshell, Perodua is looking to understand what matters to owners, and is hoping to find out what their needs and wants are.
So, it could well be a story about your car and the journey you've had together, or maybe a suggestion on how the company can further improve its cars or services. The point is, the company wants to hear what you, the Perodua owner, has to say.

The company is hoping to put the stories from the campaign to good use; bouquets will undoubtedly be appreciated and savoured, while suggestions will provide an avenue for change and improvement.
Perodua's MD Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh will be closely involved with the campaign, and says that he's keenly anticipating what owners have to say - as he puts it, who else better is there to learn from than the people who drive the cars? You can share your Perodua story here.
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